Saturday, 28 July 2012

98% Garbage, 2% Awesome

So this entry will have something constructive to say.... maybe... 

I'm not sure why I've really started a blog.  I guess I've always wanted to but simply haven't had a reason to.   Our track club, Point Grey TFC (PGTFC) is possibly working on a new website, on Google, and while attempting to figure out whether or not we want to use it, and its associated features, I decided to start a Blogger blog because its also Google based. Yeah, for Google plugs!!!

I'm having one of those brain fart moments, and am also not caring too much.  Sixteen Candles is on the other monitor (Molly Ringwald is awesome and so were the 80's), so I'm getting a little distracted.  Now, as a dedicated runner I probably shouldn't be up this late but I've had a two ridiculous weeks of work (in the range of 140 hours) including evening/night shifts, plus I'm trying to squeeze in mileage and I can't sleep at the end of all of this.  Thankfully the boss gets back on Monday and life returns to normal and the mileage and training returns to normal and I get my life back.  On another note, I think its a good sign when I'm feeling desperate to get a run in in the middle of a 14 hour work day.  That means I want to get uber fit again.

Its my birthday in a couple of days, and I plan on writing another one of these blogs.  I don't set new years resolutions, I set birthday resolutions.  I will share some of those, and maintaining controllable facial hair is one of those resolutions!!

Piece out.  Do people still say that?  I don't know.  Rock on.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Ok, this first blog is going to be 100% garbage and I want to get a few things established right away.

1.  This blog is not about pot or drugs

2.  Ben Thistlewood is getting all the credit for coming up with this awesome name for a blog.  Pawluk's Potluck wasn't nearly as good.

3.  Potpourri is defined as several things.... in this case not the dried flower arrangement, although I do have that stuff in my apartment and it makes my place smell nice.  I'm going with the Oxford Dictionary version because it sounds smart and sophisticated.
      "A mixture of things, especially a musical or literary medley."

4.  I plan on filling this blog with stories of running and my day to day life.

5.  Not sure

6.  Also not sure

7.  Its always good to have a couple spare numbers for things that you come up with in the future.