Sunday 22 July 2012

Ok, this first blog is going to be 100% garbage and I want to get a few things established right away.

1.  This blog is not about pot or drugs

2.  Ben Thistlewood is getting all the credit for coming up with this awesome name for a blog.  Pawluk's Potluck wasn't nearly as good.

3.  Potpourri is defined as several things.... in this case not the dried flower arrangement, although I do have that stuff in my apartment and it makes my place smell nice.  I'm going with the Oxford Dictionary version because it sounds smart and sophisticated.
      "A mixture of things, especially a musical or literary medley."

4.  I plan on filling this blog with stories of running and my day to day life.

5.  Not sure

6.  Also not sure

7.  Its always good to have a couple spare numbers for things that you come up with in the future.

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